Project Covenant
A multiplayer first person shooter set in the distant future. You play as a soldier dropped into an arena, forced to fight to the death. Pick up weapons and shoot your enemies while using your jet-pack to fly, dash and dodge around.
Engage in multiplayer combat in a deathmatch mode. Collect weapons, equipping up to three at a time, and slay your opponents. Pick up health and armor to keep you alive, and damage bonuses to eliminate your opponents faster.
Play with up to seven unique weapons of three types: projectile, plasma and hitscan. Your inventory can carry all weapons but only three can be equipped at one time. Test these weapons in the shooting range.
Each character is equipped with a jetpack, which can be used to gain height or to grant you a quick burst of speed in any direction. Fuel automatically is refilled if not used.
Project Details
Project Covenant was my first serious Unreal Engine project. The long term goal was a smaller scale multiplayer battle royale shooter, with PvPvE focus and RPG elements. Its first iteration narrowly focused on an arena shooter.
Development spanned from 2017 to 2018 with roughly 6 months of active development time.
I led a small team of six, I focusing on code development in all aspects of the game and am responsible for ~95% of the roughly 15,000 lines of code, and more in blueprint.
GitHub Repository:
Tools: Unreal Engine
Plugins: FMOD (audio)
Kevin Mahoney - Main developer, Team lead
Matthew Mahoney - Audio design
Patrick Mahoney - Developer
Yousef Dana - Modelling and map design (small scale)
Dave Rollins - Map design (large scale)
Ben Manter - Developer